The Unsung HERoes Exhibition
The Reconciliation Fund
The Unsung HERoes exhibition is a part of The Reconciliation Fund that awards grants to organisations working to build better relations within and between traditions in Northern Ireland, between North and South, and between Ireland and Britain.
The Unsung HERoes exhibition affords women the opportunity to come together in a safe space to reflect and explore the impact of women in the formulation of the Good Friday Agreement as part of its 25th anniversary commemoration celebrations.
The exhibition will focus on the untold stories of women within the political landscape (both within formal politics and at community level) and how they helped shape and achieve the peace process that culminated in the GFA. The exhibition provides an opportunity for women to learn lessons that can be applied to their work presently as NI struggles with post-Brexit tensions.
Watch the video below to learn more about TWN and the Reconciliation Fund
Watch the video below to learn more about TWN and the Reconciliation Fund