Help and Advice

Reach out to friends’ family or any of the support services that are available. 


Domestic and sexual abuse is isolating, and it is important that those who know you and care for you are aware of at least some of what you may be going through or have gone through.

Women's Aid

Call the freephone 24 hour Domestic and Sexual Abuse Helpline 0808 802 1414

You can call Crimestoppers confidentially on 0800 555 111

You should be referred to Women’s Aid via the Domestic and Sexual Abuse Helpline

Below is a link to all of their branches which when accessed brings up each individual Women’s Aid across the country:

‘Belfast & Lisburn Women’s Aid provide confidential support, information, and emergency accommodation for women and children affected by domestic abuse. For free and confidential support, please contact us:

 By phoning: 028 9066 6049

 Emailing - or using our online chat service on our website 


In an emergency always call the PSNI, dial 999

(If you can’t speak press 55 to let police know it is an emergency)

Phone 101 to report a crime or crimes where the threat has passed, press 55 if you cannot speak

Victim Support NI

If you know someone else is being hurt or if you're worried that one of your friends, family members or carers is a victim of domestic abuse, speak to anyone at the above numbers or to Victim Support about your concerns. You could help the person talk through the situation and support them if they want to report the abuse.

If you don't want to report the crime, Victim Support NI can help you cope with how the crime affects you.

When you contact them, a volunteer will give you information on what to expect, help you decide the type of support you need, and make sure you receive that help for as long as you need it. 

They can meet you at your local Victim Support NI office or somewhere suitable for you.

If you want to contact Victim Support NI before you speak to the police, you can contact them directly:

Telephone: 028 9024 3133 (during office hours)

Telephoning the National Support line 0845 30 30 900 (at any time)


If you are struggling to cope, it’s important that you talk to someone. You can speak to Lifeline’s qualified counsellors for free, 24/7. When you start talking, you can start feeling better.

Their number is 0808 808 8000

One Stop Shop Aug - Sept

Women's Aid

Location: 30 Adelaide Park, Belfast, 


August 2024:

Date : Friday 09/08/24

Time: 10am-12pm 

Date: Friday 23/08/24

Time: 10am-12pm

September 2024:

Date:  Friday 6th 

Time: 10am - 12pm

Date: Friday 20th 

Time : 10am - 12pm

TWN ( Training for Women Network)

Location: Elizabeth House, 116-118 Hollywood Road, Belfast, BT4 1NY

August 2024:

Date: Wednesday 14/08/24

Time: 10am-12pm 

Date: Wednesday 28/08/24

Time: 10am-12pm

September 2024:

Date: Wednesday 11th 

Time: 10am - 12pm

Date: Wednesday 25th 

Time: 10am - 12pm