Promote, Advance and Support for Success

The PASS Project (part financed by the Northern Ireland European Social Fund 2014-2020 and the Department for the Economy) is a youth-led project for young women aged 16-24 not in education, employment or training (NEET). 

The Project will provide employability training, personal development, basic digital skills, mentoring, volunteering and initiatives in identified areas of high deprivation and unemployment.

The objectives are:

The aims are to combat inactivity, address barriers to young women’s participation, improve employability skills and tackle multiple disadvantages within the specific personal barriers and social problems such as: caring responsibilities, offended/at risk of offending, being involve at risk of in anti-social behaviour, leaving/have left care, homelessness, with a disability or involving with drug/alcohol abuse.

The Project will add value in some of the most disadvantaged and isolated areas by offering the provision of a College Liaison Officer to work at a local level with young women NEET’s in community-based education centres to promote the step into Further Education across NI. 

The PASS project is part part financed by the Northern Ireland European Social Fund 2014-2020 and the Department for the Economy