Sign up today for a variety of wellbeing classes and professional development courses to develop new skills, enjoy community, and pursue your goals!
Upcoming ILM Level 3 Leadership & Management
Don't miss out on our Level 3 Leadership and Management course!
The course is fully funded by Belfast City Council for women living in the City Council postcode areas!
We need more leaders in the world. If interested, contact Heather with the info below:
Email -
Phone - 028 9031 9888
Unsung HER'oes Launch
Notting Hill was the venue for the launch of our Unsung HER’oes exhibition on 15 October working in collaboration with Hotfeet Productions and funding from the Dept of Foreign Affairs. Huge thanks are due to the Irish Secretariat Laurence Simms and his wife Emma for kindly hosting the event. The exhibition launch was an resounding success and we look forward to further launches in the coming weeks and months. To find out more click the button below:
Join our 8-week ukulele beginners’ course for women to learn basic chords, rhythm, and melody
Join our 8 week sewing beginners' course to learn the basics with a sewing machine
One Stop Shop East Belfast
TWN is now the host for the East Belfast drop-in service that provides free, immediate and confidential access to legal, benefits, safety and housing advice plus Women's Aid services.
We are here to support you if you are experiencing physical, emotional, financial or sexual abuse and coercive control.
One Stop Shop runs every 2nd and fourth Wednesday from 10am to 12pm. No appointment needed.
Read more information about One Stop Shop services or view our calendar to see the date of the next scheduled One Stop Shop event.
The Unsung HERoes Exhibition
TWN is proud to be a partner in The Unsung HERoes exhibition which affords women the opportunity to come together in a safe space to reflect and explore the impact of women in the formulation of the Good Friday Agreement as part of its 25th anniversary commemoration celebrations.
Interested in Career Opportunities?
TWN enjoys partnership with many organizations who are either looking to hire or are offering employment training and development opportunities.
Read about current opportunities!