TWN and its partners launch their innovative PEACE IV Peace And Conflict Transformation (PACT) Project
Tuesday 26th February 2019 saw TWN and its partners Queen’s University, Foyle Women’s Information Network (FWIN) and Intercomm launch their innovative PEACE IV Peace And Conflict Transformation (PACT) Project.
The SEUPB is the Managing Authority for the PEACE IV Programme and as such is responsible for its implementation and delivery.
The PEACE IV Programme for 2014-2020 is funded by the European Union, the Northern Ireland Executive and the Irish Government.
It has been designed to promote peace and reconciliation across NI and the Border Region of Ireland.
Match-funding for the project has been provided by the Executive Office in Northern Ireland and the Department of Rural and Community Development in Ireland.
The project received a total award of €999,652.63 from the EU’s PEACE IV Programme.
The PACT Project is an amazing forward thinking project which uses an online assessment tool jointly developed by Queen’s University and TWN.
The psychometric testing will be undertaken by over 1200 women in Northern Ireland and the Border Counties.
The main aim of the project is to empower women through undertaking the training to assist with the reduction of inter/intra community tensions.
Project survey website
E-Learning website
TWN’s Chairperson, Patricia Lesley-Mooney opened the conference, welcomed everyone and thanked the SEUPB for their assistance and support.
Gina McIntyre spoke of the relationship with TWN over many years and referred to EU20/25.
Gina advised that money had been committed to 2023 by the EU and that PEACE+ had been committed to by the EU/Irish/UK Governments.
Professor John Barry, TWN’s Queen’s partner spoke of his delight on behalf of the University at being on the other side this time – watching as the project unfolds. He concluded with 3 ‘e’s’: empowerment, encouraging and enjoyment for the women involved in the project.
Jim Nicholson, the Ulster Unionist MEP who had worked alongside the late Ian Paisley and John Hume (both former MEP’s) to bring the PEACE monies to Northern Ireland. Whilst he was unable to attend, he did send a video message from Brussels congratulating TWN and partners on the project, highlighting the work which could be achieved when politicians work together.
He concluded with noting that PEACE+ has been agreed in Europe.
John Mooney thanked Dr Kevin McNicholl of Queen’s University for his work in developing the psychometric test and demonstrated the test, asking everyone to try out the test from the TWN website.
The keynote speaker, Mary Hogg, Manager of Positive Steps Community Centre – a former TWN PEACE I participant and Manager under PEACE II, and PEACE III spoke of the benefits of the training she had received through the PEACE monies and how it had enabled her to empower other women, particularly in rural areas.
She spoke of how the training had allowed her to grow and develop over time and through this she had become a Board Member and finally had become a Chairperson of TWN for a few years.
This event enabled everyone to network over lunch, the sun was shining, the food was good and no one was rushing off!