Gateway to Success
The project promoted women's employability through training, policy development, research, networking and information sharing
The Gateway to Success project was funded under the Northern Ireland European Social Fund 2007-2013.
Project activities:
Direct and indirect training courses
Guidance, support and signposting
Job fairs and other events to share information
Research projects relevant to women's employability
A membership network for economically inactive women
Web-based information resources to promote women's training and signpost support and courses
Project Partners:
Ballynafeigh Community Development Association, South Belfast
Churchtown Community Association, Castlederg
Cookstown & District Community Association, Mid Ulster
Darkley & District Community Association, South Armagh
Falls Women's Centre, West Belfast
Fermanagh Women's Network, Enniskillen
Foyle Women's Information Network, North West
Galliagh Women's Group, Derry/Londonderry
Kilcooley Women's Centre, Bangor, North Down
Lisburn People's Support Project, Antrim/Down
Loughgiel Community Association, Ballymena, North Antrim
Short Strand Community Forum, East Belfast
Project highlights
To reduce economic inactivity among women
To reduce long-term unemployment among women
To support women in a range of activities, such as skills development, training and networking to access employment
To assist women to remain in employment to ensure retention