Peace and Conflict Transformation
The PACT project has been funded by the EU's PEACE IV Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB)
This project was awarded €999,652.63 from SEUPB European Union’s PEACE IV Programme.
Project design
This project will develop an innovative training programme were individual participants will undertake a self-check assessment, so that a bespoke training programme can be assigned to them made up of elective training modules that best meet their needs.
This project will be the first PEACE Project to follow this new innovative approach utilising specific tailored training coupled with cross-community/cross-border training venues.
In addition, participants will take part in a number of cross-community, cross-border symposia in order to formulate a toolkit to assist mothers, through their influence on their children to reduce interface tensions, develop online training modules as well as how to interact with statutory services.
TWN will be lead partner in the project and responsible for the overall management, monitoring and evaluation.
In addition, TWN will develop the training modules, design of online portal and accreditation.
TWN will also be responsible for the cross-border symposia. Intercomm and FWIN will be responsible for the coordination of cross-community/cross-border training sessions of participants.
Intercomm and FWIN will be responsible for the implementation of project roadshows.
Intercomm and FWIN will be responsible for the delivery of the developed training.
QUB will be responsible for the development of the participant assessment tool and assist in development and facilitation of the cross-border symposia